Mr. Mark Dillon is Partner of the Grants & Contributions Audit Services Division of Samson. Mr. Dillon has over 25 years of audit and financial assessment experience, including specialized audit experience related to Transfer Payment Programs and Recipient Compliance Audits.
Mr. Dillon acquired his initial experience with Coopers and Lybrand, where he was responsible for conducting financial statements audits and reviews, and financial compliance audits for the Public Sector . Mr. Dillon has also worked as a Financial Risk Assessor with CIDA (now known as GAC), analyzing contribution recipients that were funded by GAC.
Mark designed part of the risk assessment process used at GAC and was responsible for the design and review of the recipient compliance audit guides and the Financial Building Capacity Activity guides that are used by GAC and its auditors. He has developed audit related guides for other Government Departments and has been involved in the design and delivery of training courses and workshops related to Transfer Payments.
Mark joined Samson to specialize in government services in January 2000. He is fluently bilingual and has clearance at the secret level. Mark’s extensive experience in audit and advisory services has enabled him to provide expert service and advice in relation to Transfer Payments for the Public Sector.
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