Information is everyone, a key asset for any organization to reach their strategic and digital transformation objectives, and technology is the enabler through which this digital information can be quickly made available to anyone, anywhere, at anytime.
Conversely, the increased reliance on technology, cloud and information brings new risks that must be managed to ensure the continued security, adequacy, availability and integrity of information for informed decision making. Samson offers various advisory services to help you make the most of information and technology in an increasingly digital world.
With all business opportunities come challenges, threats and risks. Risks that the information we collect will be inappropriately modified, thereby impacting the very foundation of our business decisions. Risks that the information we collect will be inappropriately accessed or disclosed, and that the confidentiality of our intellectual property and sensitive information of our clients, partners and our very own business will be compromised. Risks that the information we need to make business decision will not be available when we need it, where we need, and how we need it.
The sources of these risks are varied and constantly evolving: cybercriminals, disgruntled employees, hacktivists, competitors… it just does not matter: these risks need to be managed effectively to protect your organization’s reputation, intellectual property, revenues and other assets. These risks need to be managed so you can run your business. That is what we strive to do. We help you manage your cyber risks through various means, including the following service areas:
Our team has the skills and expertise to help you in these areas, including Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSP), Certified Ethical Hackers (CEH), Certified Information Systems Auditors (CISA), and SABSA-certified IT security architects.
IT Projects go south all the time. We are covered with statistics that support the fact that a large percentage of IT projects are not delivered on time, on budget, and on quality. Projects are hard to deliver; and once delivered, success is hard to measure.
We have helped various organizations through the conduct of independent project reviews. From small organizations who rarely implement large projects and lack the internal expertise, to large organizations who face challenges keeping an eye on the huge portfolio of programs and projects they have on the go.
We have leveraged the Project Management Institute (PMI)’s PMBOK and the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)’s COBIT to conduct assessments, and are qualified as Independent Project Reviewers by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
If you are on the hook, directly or indirectly, for the success of a project, you will find that conducting an Independent Project Review is a small investment when compared to the cost of a failed project.
tel:A major asset of most organizations is the personal information it collects on its customers, employees, partners and the like. Personal information is a powerful tool to help your business understand the preferences and patterns of your stakeholders. It can help customize the experience of your clients and employees to their benefit, and help grow your business through increased effectiveness and stakeholder satisfaction.
However, if personal information is not adequately protected, or collected in a manner that is not consistent with legislative requirements, it can have a huge detrimental impact on your reputation and your bottom line. The list of organizations that have suffered enormous impacts from privacy breaches is already too long, and keeps growing every week. Most organizations significantly under-invest in their Privacy and Data Protection program, when compared to the costs associated with a privacy breach. As Certified Information Privacy Professionals/Canada (CIPP/C), we have conducted well over 100 privacy and data protection assessments and reviews and can help you make sense of these risks. For example, we can perform:
Within the IT community, IT Audit is an overused term, often loosely used for any form of IT activity review. From a professional standards perspective however, IT audit is a very structured process through which adequate and sufficient evidence is gathered to support audit findings and conclusions.
Our IT audit team has successfully completed well over 100 audits in areas related to information technology, information security, information management, governance, projects, and other IT areas, Samson has one of the largest team of seasoned IT auditors within the National Capital Region with professional designations such as Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSP), and Certified Information Privacy Professionals (CIPP) to fulfill your auditing needs.
IT General Controls (ITGCs) refer to the underlying IT controls that, when combined with internal controls for financial reporting, ultimately support the integrity of financial reporting. Documenting and testing ITGCs on a regular basis is a requirement in numerous industries, including the federal government.
Samson has extensive experience with documenting and testing ITGCs.
Most organizations now invest heavily in information systems to manage every aspect of their business. These information systems produce vasts amount of data that need to be harvested, analyzed and leveraged to produce valuable information, powerful knowledge, and groundbreaking insights.
Our team of data professionals have conducted numerous projects where we have analyzed large datasets from a data integrity, forensic, or performance measurement perspective. We use dedicated data extraction and interrogation tools including IDEA and ACL to meet your needs.
The word and the image "are not a deferred system, the information is transmitted directly. The great power of visual language is found in its immediacy, its spontaneous truth. Visually, you perceive content and form simultaneously ". (Dondis A. psychologist)
As a graphic designer our role is to convey effective communication, understandable by your target audience. Our priority is to understand the feeling and the message you want to convey to your audience and we transpose that in color, typography, images, atmosphere and form.
Our approach is based on a personalized and tailor-made strategy to meet all your needs. We team up with you all the way long to develop the products you need for your business.
To visualize some of our projets, please visit our online portfolio.
Stéphanie Bibeau, Associate Partner | 819.664.9470 | Email
Alain Rocan, Partner | 613.298.1506 | Email
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